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Beginner Cycling Tips Editorial Principles

The Beginner Cycling Tips Editorial Principles are a set of self-imposed guidelines that we, as a brand, follow in an effort to provide valuable and accurate information to our readers and followers.

These principles represent the Beginner Cycling Tips ecosystem of information distribution across not only the website but also any platform outside of the website that we cater to.

The goal of our content and information distribution is to help beginner cyclists love cycling enough to choose it as a lifestyle because the more cyclists we have in the world, the better the world will be.


Content Objective

The objective of Beginner Cycling Tips content is to provide actionable and valuable information with every content distribution.

If the reader isn’t taking valuable and actionable information with them after reading the content, then we have failed to perform our content objective.


Audience Distribution

The avatar of our typical reader or member of the audience we target may be an English-speaking and reading person of any age, gender, sexual orientation, and location.

The objectives of the person will be a need for cycling and cycling-related information, tutorials, education, advice, and review products. We are not in the business of offering any sort of official legal or medical advice.

As the brand suggests, our target avatar is a beginner at cycling or someone who wants to learn more about the lifestyle.


Topic Approval is Required

Whether you purchase a sponsored post or wish to contribute a free guest blog post, we do require topic approval on Beginner Cycling Tips.

This means that you’ll need to share the topic you wish to write about. It will help you to have an outline ready. We will definitely review the article before we allow it to be published to ensure that it aligns with these editorial principles.

If it doesn’t, we will likely reject it.


Review Our Current Posts

Visit our blog and review our current articles.

Develop an understanding of how we format them and the extent to which we provide information. This is how your article should be created.

We’re not interested in publishing cheap or quickly manufactured content. We expect articles to be almost artistic in nature.

If you’re looking for a quick backlink, Beginner Cycling Tips is definitely not your answer.


Link Policy

We do allow you to include limited external links in your contribution to our blog.

This means that you may share your link, which will be included in the bio area of the article. You may also include a scarce amount of external links as long as they directly relate to the anchor text to which you’re adding them to.

We expect you to link to some of our content, too. If you don’t, we will take the opportunity to link to our pages with your existing content.

Any link you add may not be commercial.

All links will be set at “No Follow” because our blog isn’t a backlink generator source. There are no expectations for this principle.


Image Policy

You may request that we add some of your images to the blog post you’re contributing.

However, there are required guidelines for this. You must provide a license to use the photos. If they’re copyrighted for commercial licensing, we will reject them.

We reverse-search all images regardless of licensing.

In most cases, we will ask that we be the ones to provide the images in order to prevent any sort of legal action against Beginner Cycling Tips in the future.


Formatting Guidelines

The best way to understand our formatting practices is to look at our blog and see examples of articles we publish. A few key guidelines are as follows.

You need to add a clickable table of contents for longer articles with several sections. Don’t use clickbait tactics. Utilize ordered and unordered lists.

Write short sentences and short paragraphs. Your content needs to be mobile-friendly upon request for publishing.

We will edit the content to include any SEO formats that we wish for it to have.

We expect you to use proper English, correct spelling, and accurate grammar.


Content Review Process

This process applies to both free and paid contributions. After you share your content topic idea (please try to provide an outline, too), we will accept or reject your request to create an article. This doesn’t mean that your article is accepted – it means that you may or may not create one for our blog.

If you are granted the allowance to create the article, we will review it after you have created it. This is to ensure that it is original content, passes these principles, and the information is accurate.

This will either result in an acceptance, a request to edit/change content, or a rejection.

If accepted, we will give you a date of when the article will be published. That is subject to our content calendar. We provide the date and time, not the author.

If requested to edit/change content, we will inform you of what needs attention. You can then tend to the content and request another review.

If rejected, we typically will not accept an additional review. In most cases, when rejected by us, it means that your writing style and format aren’t a fit. It’s best to move on and find a different source for publication of your content after that.


Republishing Guideline

Periodically, we perform a search to ensure that guest contributions and sponsored posts aren’t being republished on other websites and blogs.

Republishing is against our terms because the content was created for Beginner Cycling Tips. It was created in the agreement between you and our site.

Regardless of the terms between us and whether or not you paid for the post, if you republish, we will consider the deal void. We may either unpublish the post on our blog or set the page to not be indexed by search engines.

We will not issue a refund to sponsored content providers who violate this term. And by doing business with us, you agree to this term.

The content you create for Beginner Cycling Tips must be created for Beginner Cycling Tips exclusively.


Thank you for taking the time to read through our Beginner Cycling Tips Editorial Principles. We hope to collaborate with you soon. Please get in touch with us for more information or to request a content contribution collaboration.

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